Doped TMDC Film Wafer
- Expected to be fully available by December 2020. Now accept pre-ordering…
- In-situ doping during chemical vapor deposition of the film
- Standard dopant: Nb and Re (options of other dopants are available upon request).
- Dopant concentration: < 10% (tunable upon request)
- 100% coverage of growth substrate
- Precise control of layer number with no mixture of layers
- High crystalline quality
- Atomically-smooth surface (< 0.2 nm)
- Perfect Uniformity, Raman intensity variation <10% across the entire substrate
- Polycrystalline film with grain sizes in micrometer range
- Standard substrate options: SiO2/Si w/300 nm or 90 nm thermal oxide and single-side polished sapphire (others available upon request)